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Visibility in schools through...

  • Visible physical spaces (corners)  to disseminate activities, materials, and information.

  • Decoration and murals.

  • Information panels.

  • Virtual spaces in the school websites, or links to the Project website.

Art exhibition in Slovakia which includes productions of the Project

Transnational meetings

Transnational coordination and students meetings have give us different moments for dissemination of the Project in Educational Community through ...


  • Acts with the Townhall.

  • Acts of Welcome and closure: different sections of the school Community have been invited such as: families, non-teaching staff, representatives of the administrations ...

  • Activities with families (gastronomic days, presentations, interactive groups ...)

  • Visits to other organizations in the locality.

IC Bobbio watching Estonian music show

IC Bobbio watching Estonian music show

Dissemination in the classrooms

Our students are the first to benefit from all Project activities.

Disseminations have been made through the multimedia products of the Project website in the classrooms.

In this way, everyone feels involved and active participants.

Dissemination to families

More specifically (that received at the events of the Transnational meetings), families of the schools have been permanently informed of the evolution of the Project through the regular meetings held with the tutors.


Thanks to the website of the schools, they can also be permanently informed as the contents have been updated on a regular way.

Dissemination among teachers

Teachers involved have had an active part in the Project, but at the same time they have been informed by the Coordinators of each country of the way  the Project was been developing, as well as the aspects dealt in each transnational meeting, through of periodic meetings and consultation of the Project website.

6th graders performance in which they sang the "Little Prince" song.

Final Festival Show


The CEIP Guernica has celebrated its "traditional" Final Festival Show with the topic"Together we are +", Artistic performances of dancing, music and drama, related with "cooperation" were performed during the show. The Festival was held at the F. García Lorca Theater in San Fernando de Henares, and it has been a great event of dissemination among all the members of the Educational Community that has highlighted the importance and impact of our Erasmus + Project "We are cooperARTive"


Every member of our Educational Community has cooperated for its performance: from the rehearsals of the teachers with their students, the coordination between the members of the Theater and responsible teachers, to the organization of members of the AMPA in the dissemination of the event and management actions during the performance.


The act finished with the interpretation of the song of the "Little Prince" by the 6th grade students.


June, 2018

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