Activities in SLOVAKIA
Introducing The Little Prince. Slovakia
The first step was to introduce The Little Prince to the kids. Most of them have already known the story by reading the book. We found interesting to watch the movie 'The Little Prince' (2015), where a little girl lives in a very grown-up world with her mother, who tries to prepare her for it. Her neighbor, the Aviator, introduces the girl to an extraordinary world where anything is possible, the world of the Little Prince.
The next activity was making a mural, some drawings and puzzles.
The most interesting was the puzzle, because the kids had to draw the characters and their favourite things from the story. Everybody had its own task what to do. Then they cut it up and played the puzzle. This was a groupwork, so each group has its own puzzle.
October 2016
Drama Performance. Slovakia
Performance of The Little Prince played by the local drama team in Nové Zámky.
October 2016