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Activities in SPAIN

First contact. Spain

5th grade pupils has played a game  on the first day of school. They wanted to know each other better. Teachers used the story between Little Prince and the fox. And the sentence used was "I am nothing more than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tame me, then we shall need each other"


September 2016


Decoration. Spain

Walls, entrance, corridors....are being decorated with Little Prince drawings.

September 2016


Calligrams. Spain

Calligrams are an interesting artistic technic in wich several word and sentences become in a drawing. 

Our 5th. grade pupils have worked in a cooperative way with this technic and inspired by the wisdom of'The Little Prince' have done their own calligrams

November 2016


Murals & puzzles. Spain

Our students have created murals and puzzles with different parts of the story of "The Little Prince".
Each class, from children 3 years old to 6th grade, has worked in pairs or small group a part of the mural or puzzle of the essential characters of the story applying different artistic techniques. All of them have been exposed in their classroom or halls of the school and arranged in the right way, shape the story.

November 2016-march 2017


Story of the Little Prince through the murals and puzzles made by the pupils

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